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Our awesome sponsors

Funcertainty Box

Funcertainty Box

Funcertainty Box LLC is a board game design and development company based in Kansas City. Our goal is to bring you games that re-imagine familiar board game mechanics while simultaneously immersing you in a world brimming with story and lore.



Meeple-a-thon is proud to sponsor the 2024 KantCon Paint and Take table! Whether you're a beginner or a golden demon painter, our Paint and Take offers a great way to "brush up" your miniature painting skills. Open to painters of all skill levels, this activity is a great opportunity for new painters to start a new hobby and for experienced painters to share what they know. Come explore some new techniques or find a new life-long hobby - everyone is welcome at our table.

Also Thank these folks who individually Sponsor through purchased Can't Con Packages Or other Donations

  • 15 Years!!! 

  • Matt Harrop

  • Brendan Howard

  • Luke McCune

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