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Organized Play at KantCon!

Thanks to everyone who has purchased a badge, or submitted an event!

With the convention coming up in only three weeks, all that’s left to do is sign-up for games! Our event sign-up will continue on Warhorn until July 22nd. We have a lot of great options including board games, dice games, miniature games, and RPGs.

While there are a lot of excellent one-off RPG games available for sign-up, we also have great organized play options! D&D Adventurers League, Pathfinder Society, and Shadowrun Missions games are all available for sign-up throughout the weekend. Bring your characters and get ready for adventure!

If you didn’t buy a badge in advance, then you are unfortunately unable to sign-up for events online. However, you can always stop by the events table after buying your badge on site to still partake in the fun!



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