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Online Registration is Coming!

Regular badges on sale soon!

With winter coming to a close, we turn our attention to the coming of Spring. With Spring comes the release of regular KantCon badges, and Early Bird package sales coming to a close. Remember: You have until April 1st to catch those Early Bird deals, so you better grab them before they disappear, along with your opportunity to save up to 20% from the door price of tickets.

Volunteer reminder

A convention is only as great as the staff that show up to run it, and we need great people! KantCon relies on volunteers to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you’re interested in volunteering for KantCon 2023, check out for more information, or to sign up.

Last chance to get T-shirts included in package

It can’t be overstated, APRIL 1ST is your last opportunity to get discounted t-shirts included in your ticket package. We know some of you have quite the collection of t-shirts - don’t let this one slip away.

Send us your events

Do you want to run an event? We want you to run events! Event submission is now open at, but don’t forget to follow the instructions and sign up for the GM/Marshall Discount before submitting events, to get those sweet, sweet perks. The deadline for submissions is June 22, 2023, but why wait? Submit those events!



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