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Looking for a Special Event? Try our BIGs!

As you’ve been looking through our games on Warhorn, you might have noticed some are marked as BIGs. If you're unfamiliar with these, they are our extra-special Buy-In-Games that will be held throughout the convention. These are run by KantCon coordinators and friends of the convention, and are special events that offer something a little extra, often including prizes and raffle tickets.

We currently have board games such as Return to Dark Tower, 3D Betrayal at House on the Hill, Mansions of Madness, and a custom Zombicide game. On the RPG side, there are three sessions of the Alien RPG run by Jon Hook!

If you want to sign-up for any of these, check out the website link below. You also have our extra-thanks for helping to support the convention!

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