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Last Minute Reminders!

We are a week out from KantCon and we can’t wait to see you all! A few reminders as we head into the convention:

Today is the LAST DAY to sign-up for events in advance on Warhorn! This option is open to any attendees who have already purchased a badge. If you’re planning on buying a badge on-site, you will still be able to sign-up for events during the convention at our events table.

Please consider contributing to our Harvester’s food drive! We will have collection bins at the convention for any donations of dried foods or toiletry products. If you want to donate virtually, you can also use the link below to make cash donations OR you can shop virtually for specific items that Harvesters needs!

Finally, we are still in the process of finalizing the book for the convention, but should have an online link available sometime next week. We’ll publish the book to this link:

In the meantime, this link will take you to the 2021 link.



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