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Event Submission and Pre-Registration End Soon!

We are less than a month from the convention, which means that both online badge sales and event submission will end in just two weeks!

If you haven’t already, be sure to stop by, and buy your badge in advance, and submit events for the convention. If you don’t make it by our cut-off date of June 30th, you’ll still be able to buy a badge onsite for a slightly higher price.

If you buy your badge in advance, you will still be able to sign-up for events on Warhorn until July 9th, or at the convention.

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone that has volunteered to help us throughout the convention. Especially this year, we are grateful to everyone who is not only coming to the convention to support KantCon, but is also taking time out of their gaming to help ensure that the convention runs smoothly for everyone. The convention would not be possible without you all. We are very relieved to be able to tell you that our volunteer schedule is filling up!



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