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Almost a Month from KantCon!

We are just over a month out from KantCon and we can’t wait to see you all! If you want to game in style, make sure to check out our 2023 merchandise at the link below. You can get a 2023 t-shirt, 2023 dice set, dice trays, game bags, and more! If you order in advance, we’ll even have them waiting for you at the registration desk so you can pick them up when you get your badge. This is also the best way to guarantee you’ll get your 2023 KantCon dice set. They always sell-out fast!

We would also like to take a moment to thank our current KantCon sponsors: Moving Pros, Funcertainty, Gamer Girl Jewelry, and Bored? Games & More! Their support is essential to helping us keep our local convention running and improving each year. Most of them are also vendors, so be sure to stop by their booths at the convention. If you’re interested in supporting the convention and getting your name out to local gamers, you can reach out to us here: Ads & Sponsorship | kantcon



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