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Final Status Report

Less Than a Week!

Good evening KantCon Attendees! We are going to be giving one last shout out before we go live on Friday July 24. That’s right, in less than one full week we are going to descending in mass to the Overland Park Convention Center for some of the best local gaming in the KC area!


There are still several Buy-In-Games (BIGs) available for sign up. Even though Event registration has closed, we are still taking enrollment for these top tier games. Come by and snag your spot before these fill up!

Convention Layout

Along with the numerous events which we will be hosting at KantCon, we thought we would provide a full layout of KantCon in our illustrious Event Book. Feel free to download our finalized booklet here:

Mega Game Cancellation

Due to scheduling problems, we have unfortunately cancelled the Mega Event: Watch the Skies!

Photo Request

Since KantCon is a convention by gamers for gamers we want to get a look at the show through your eyes! Please feel free to send any photos you collect during the convention to so we can place them on our website or use them in next year’s event book. Or simply post to Twitter or Facebook and add the hashtag: #KantCon

Funding Update

KantCon is now fully funded through generous donations by some of our sponsors and benefactors. Thank you for your support!


KantCon would not be possible without assistance from our patrons. We would like to issue a warm welcome to our sponsors who are making this dream a reality. Here are the three we would like to Highlight this week.

Closing Words

We look forward to seeing you at KantCon. If you have any last minute questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us! We always look forward to hearing from you!

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