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Game Master's FAQ

The following FAQs should help you run your game at KantCon successfully. The details of the event can be run however you want, but the KantCon staff has the following recommendations to make sure things go smoothly and everyone has fun:

What if my game has Mature content or anything not suitable for all audiences?

When submitting the event, be sure to enter an appropriate age in the Minimum age field.  At the beginning of your event, clearly state that the event involves mature content or anything not suitable for all audiences. Make sure that your players will be comfortable with all material presented.


​What if I need to cancel my event?

We understand things may come up that cause you to cancel your event. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can inform the participants.

  • If it’s still before the convention, please notify DaNay Minnick at of the cancellation.
  • During the convention, please notify us at least four hours prior to the event’s Start Time, if possible.  This will allow anyone who has pre-registered some time to choose another event and convention staff will let anyone who shows up to the event know it has been cancelled. Methods for contacting us:
    • Off-site - Email DaNay Minnick at or call/text 913.735.7014.

    • On-site - Event Registration desk


What if there are other people at my table at the start of my event?

If you have arrived before your scheduled time, please wait patiently until their event is over.  Once it is time for your event to start, politely inform them that this table is reserved for your game.  If you cannot get access to your table, please contact the Event Registration Desk, or the Director of Events.


Someone wants to join the game and a pre-registered player has not shown up. How long should I wait before I give away the seat?

This is your personal decision; however KantCon recommends giving the absent player at least 5-10 minutes to show up.


We do not have enough players to start the game.  What should I do?

Around 5-10 minutes before the event is scheduled to start, utilize the Green ‘LFM’ (Looking for More) sign by hanging it below the number on the Table Stand as this will help players looking for a game identify the tables where there are openings. Please be sure to take the LFM sign down once you have started.
If you are still short on players, you have multiple options:

  • Have the players play multiple characters

  • Modify the game to be a bit easier for the fewer players

  • If you wish to consolidate your game with another, please feel free to do so as long as both groups and GMs agree.

  • If your game did not run, please return your sign-up sheet with a note, so that we can identify areas for improvement.


I am having trouble with a player.  How should I address this issue?

First give them a private verbal warning to cease whatever is causing the problem. If that has not produced the desired result, issue a second warning.  Should they continue the behavior, ask them to leave the game or contact Event Registration desk to get assistance with the matter.  This does not apply to more extreme cases (such as violence) at which point please contact KantCon staff immediately.


As an Example – Excessive swearing: if a person is swearing excessively in a game not labeled as Mature and there are children present, inform them that this is a family friendly game.  If they refuse after several warnings, ask them to leave the game.


If you have any further trouble, feel free to get the Director of Events involved, or any other member of the KantCon staff.


What is the Best Player Award?

The Best Player Award is a ribbon that is given to the player who is voted by their fellow players to be the best player or the winner of the game for Board Games.  As your event is starting, someone from the Event Registration Desk will bring you the sign-up sheet for your event along with a Best Player ribbon.  When your event completes, give the ribbon to the person who won the game.  For role-playing or cooperative events, have your players secretly vote for the person who they feel was the Best Player for that session. In the event of a tie, your vote will be the tiebreaker. 


Please circle the name of the person who received the Best Player ribbon on your event sign-up sheet and return it to the Event Registration or SWAG/Prize table. Please return the event sign-up sheet with a note even if the event did not run, so that we can identify if there are things we need to improve for future conventions.


Who do I contact for…

  • Finding Something – Any KantCon staff member

  • Event Questions – Event Registration or the Director of Events, DaNay Minnick

  • Game Master Questions – Director of Events, DaNay Minnick

  • Venue Questions – DaNay Minnick or any Convention Center employee

  • Ribbons – Event Registration

  • Specific Board Game Questions – Library or Nick Seal

  • Security/Harassment Issues – Any KantCon staff member


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